dissabte, 6 de març del 2010

Somio en ser imprescindible per tu / I dream to be essential for you

...Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them...

Oh diva.
Ara, cada dia espero impacientment trobar-te la mirada.
Perquè la teva? No ho sé.
Què és exactament el que necessito de tu,.encara tampoc ho sé.

I ara em pregunto, com podía deixar de fer-ho abans?
Què ha canviat perque t'anheli d'aquesta manera?

M’ho pregunto constantment,  cada vegada que sento nomenar el teu nom.
Ara  ja  no soporto passar un sol dia sense haver gaudit de la teva prèsencia.
I si et dirigeixes cap a mi em ruboritzo.
Palpitadament em desfaig per dins.
Oh diva.
Desitgo omplir tot el teu temps.
Ara ja es massa tard. No puc tornar enrera.
Cada cop que em separo de tu, creix la meva necessitat de tenir-te més a prop meu.

Somio en ser  impresindible per tu.

Oh diva.

Now every day I hope to find yourself looking impatiently.

Because yours? I do not know.

What exactly do I need of you. Still does not know.
And now I ask me How I could stop doing this before? 

What has changed because i want you in this way?
I wonder this constantly, every time I hear your name .

Now it I don't support any single day pass, without enjoying your presence.And if you're headed toward me I blushI break inside me
Oh diva

.I want to fill all your time.Now it is too late. I can 't go back.
Every time I that separated from you, I need you for more closer to me.
I dream to be essential for you


Artist;The Divine Comedy 
Song:; Diva Lady
Album; victory for the comic Muse

I avui no t'oblidis d' estimar-te menys que demà


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